Council Business
As Government guidance changes in the light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Council has been responding in the way that it provides services in the community.
Meetings of the Council have been held on line by Zoom since the autumn and will continue to be held in this way until such time as it is deemed safe to return to face-to-face meetings in line with Government guidance. Details of meetings with the log-on code will continue to be published on the Council’s website in advance of each meeting.
Council Business
The Clerk is working from home and can be contacted as usual by e-mailing or by writing to 2 Blenheim Close, Warboys, PE28 2XF (telephone 01487 823562).
Parish Centre
The Parish Centre has been closed in accordance with Government guidance. There is no date yet as to when it can re-open and what restrictions will be required to ensure the safety of persons attending. Future bookings can still be made by contacting the Clerk.
The playgrounds at Adams Lyons, Jubilee Park and Orchard Close are open in line with Government guidance. The Council does not have the resources to disinfect the equipment on a day-to-day basis but all of the equipment is sprayed weekly to try to avoid infection. There are notices at the entrance gates about usage and users and parents are asked please to comply with that information when using the playgrounds.
Tennis Court
The Council has decided regrettably not to re-open the tennis court for safety reasons. The court surface has been deteriorating for some time and there is a danger that players could slip and hurt themselves.
Litter Bins
To help minimise the risk of infection from coronavirus when out in the village, please do not drop litter. If you can, please take your litter home with you and avoid using the litter bins around the village as much as possible.
Grass Cutting
The verge in the High Street is currently being cut by a member of the public who has volunteered to help while he is at home during the pandemic. The Council is extremely grateful to him for his help and support.
Use of the Playground(Updated 20th January 2021)
To protect yourself and others, please follow the Government’s Covid-19 Secure guidelines –
- If the playground is busy, consider returning later
- Comply with Government advice about the limit on social gatherings and allow 1 child on each piece of equipment at a time
- Maintain social distancing
- Use sanitiser or wipes to clean children’s hands before and after use.
- Clean surfaces before and after use, essential if clinically vulnerable
- Avoid touching your face
- Dispose of waste in the bins provided or preferably take your rubbish home
- No food or drink allowed
- Don’t use the playground if displaying signs or symptoms of coronavirus
- Wash children’s clothes on returning home