Casual Vacancy for the role of Councillor

If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please contact the clerk who will provide further details –

Warboys Parish Council has an overall responsibility for the well-being of your local community and our work falls into three main categories.

· Representing the local community

· Delivering services to meet local needs

· Striving to improve quality of life in the parish

Warboys Parish Council provides, maintains and contributes to:

· Parks, play areas and open spaces

· Allotments

· Local Highway Initiatives

· Statutory consultee to local planning applications

· And much more

By becoming a Parish Councillor, you become someone in the community who parishioners will look for help, support and guidance. As a community leader with the power to influence decisions for the benefit of the people you serve, you will see our community change for the better as a result of the decisions you have helped to make.


To qualify a person must, on the day of co-option, be a British subject or citizen of the European Union or Ireland and attained the age of 18 years AND

· On that day and thereafter continues to be a local government elector for the area of the authority; OR

· Has during the whole 12 months preceding that day occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the area; OR

· Has their principal or only place of work during that twelve months has been in the area; OR

· Has during the 12 months resided in that area; OR

· During the whole 12 months has resided within the parish or within 3 miles of it.

Disqualification from being co-opted as a member is set out in the Local Government Act 1972, Section 80.

Interested applicants will be provided with a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct and asked to submit a short statement outlining their reasons for wishing to become a councillor. Following this, they will be invited to attend the full Council meeting scheduled for the 9th December at Warboys Library, where members will vote on who will be selected to fill the vacant seat.

In order to be considered for co-option at the next council meeting, applications need to be received by 30th November 2024.

Julie Drummond

Clerk and RFO to the Council 16th October 2024

Parish Clerk
