Warboys Parish Council Statement on Illegal Tree Felling at Onyett’s Field

Warboys Parish Council has recently been made aware of incidents involving the illegal felling of trees at Onyett’s Field. These actions are deeply concerning and constitute a clear breach of the law. 

Trees on Council-owned land are protected assets, and their removal or damage without prior authorisation is a criminal offence under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Such actions not only harm the local environment but also undermine the community’s shared responsibility to preserve and protect public spaces. 

We ask for the support of all residents in protecting our community spaces. If you witness any suspicious activity or have information regarding these incidents, please contact the Clerks; clerk@warboysparishcouncil.co.uk – 07985 771676 

Dr S Withams

Chair of Warboys Parish Council

Parish Clerk
