Exciting Developments at Warboys Parish Centre: Community Group Showcase and Future Plans 

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Progressing the above initiatives is instrumental in servicing the requirements of our residents. Our community thrives on collaboration, and our latest projects are no exception. Currently, we are in the embryonic stage of some significant work, closely partnering with our GP surgery and the Integrated Care Neighbourhood. These collaborations aim to enhance the quality of life and health services for everyone in Warboys. 

Key Developments: 

One of our primary goals is to ensure that the needs of our residents are met effectively. To achieve this, we are conducting thorough research and planning. Community Leaders are being asked to complete a detailed questionnaire, designed to gather insights and feedback. This is an essential step in our process, and the intention is to extend this survey to all residents by early autumn. Your input will be invaluable in shaping the future of our community services. 

Save the Date: 

We are thrilled to announce a special event that underscores our commitment to community engagement and development. Mark your calendars for 21st September, when we will host a Community Group Showcase at the Warboys Parish Centre. 

What to Expect: 

  • Community Group Showcase: Local groups will be on hand to showcase their activities and services. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the diverse offerings within our community and find out how you can get involved. 
  • New Community Centre Viewing: Visitors will have the chance to see the construction progress of our new community centre from a dedicated viewing space. This sneak peek will provide a glimpse into the future of our community facilities and the exciting developments to come. 

Why This Matters: 

These initiatives are not just about physical developments but about fostering a stronger, more connected community. By working together with healthcare providers and community leaders, we aim to create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Your participation and feedback are crucial as we move forward. 

How You Can Get Involved: 

  • Complete the Questionnaire: If you are a community leader, please take the time to complete the questionnaire. Your insights are critical. 
  • Attend the Showcase: Join us on 21st September to explore the activities of local groups and get a first look at our new community centre. 

We are excited about these developments and look forward to seeing you at the Community Group Showcase. Together, we can build a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant Warboys. 

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress with these projects. Your involvement and support are what make our community special. Thank you for being a part of it! 

Contact Information

Email – clerk@warboysparishcouncil.co.uk

Facebook – @WarboysParishCouncil

Telephone – 07985 771834 / 07985 771676

Parish Clerk
