Parish News

  • Support the New Warboys Community Centre with Easyfundraising

    We’re thrilled to share an easy and cost-free way for you to help bring the new Warboys Community Centre to life! As we work towards creating a modern, welcoming space for the entire village, we need your support to fund the internal fittings that will make this centre a true community hub. By using Easyfundraising,…


  • How to Register to Vote in the UK 

    To be eligible to vote in the upcoming General Election – 4th July 2024  Important Deadlines  Eligibility to Register  To register to vote in the UK, you must:  Steps to Register  Voting Requirements  Voting Options  There’s a different process to register anonymously, for example if you’re concerned about your safety or the safety of someone in…


  • Fun and Fundraising: A Successful Day for Warboys Parish Council 

    We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who joined us at the May Day Fete on the 6th of May. What a wonderful event it was, made even better by the beautiful weather! It was fantastic to see so many faces come by our stall to enjoy games like Hook a Duck,…


  • Rare Buttercup Found at Onyett’s Field, Warboys

    We are delighted to have recently discovered, due to the eagle eyes of a member of the Warboys Climate & Environment Group, that our beautiful green space, Onyett’s field, is home to an unusual type of buttercup usually only seen in ancient woodlands- the Goldilocks Buttercup (Ranunculus auricomus). These bright flowers are a true gem…