Parish News

  • How to Register to Vote in the UK 

    To be eligible to vote in the upcoming General Election – 4th July 2024  Important Deadlines  Eligibility to Register  To register to vote in the UK, you must:  Steps to Register  Voting Requirements  Voting Options  There’s a different process to register anonymously, for example if you’re concerned about your safety or the safety of someone in…


  • Car Park Closure Notice

    Good news the New Parish Centre build is about to start, whilst as users there’s a new facility to look forward to unfortunately it inevitably comes with disruption. Therefore, we write to advise all residents and users of the parish centre that due to the commencement of construction work the car park to the rear of…


  • Groundworks for Warboys’ New Parish Centre Near Completion 

    Following prudent financial management by the Parish Council, along with successful grant applications, the beginning of 2024 marked a significant milestone as the Council secured the necessary funds to appoint the contractor, Ben & Co, to proceed with construction of the New Parish Centre (NPC). Since then, progress has been steady, with work commencing towards…


  • Fun and Fundraising: A Successful Day for Warboys Parish Council 

    We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who joined us at the May Day Fete on the 6th of May. What a wonderful event it was, made even better by the beautiful weather! It was fantastic to see so many faces come by our stall to enjoy games like Hook a Duck,…