What You Need to Know

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The new reservoir project, proposed by Cambridge Water alongside Anglian Water, is set to be a significant addition to the Chatteris and surrounding areas. As part of their commitment to engaging with the community and ensuring that all voices are heard, Cambridge Water has opened a platform for public feedback. This is your opportunity to share any concerns, support, or suggestions you might have regarding this project.

Why Your Opinion Matters

Community feedback is essential for several reasons:

  • Impact Assessment: Your insights can help assess the potential impact on the local environment, wildlife, and daily life for those affected by the implementation.
  • Community Benefits: By voicing your opinions, you contribute to identifying and maximising the benefits that the reservoir could bring to the community.
  • Transparency and Trust: Public involvement fosters transparency and builds trust between Cambridge Water, Anglian Water and the residents throughout the area.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved is simple and straightforward. To learn more about the project and to provide your comments, visit the Cambridge Water reservoir project website. The website offers detailed information about the project’s scope, benefits, and potential impacts. It also provides a user-friendly platform for submitting your feedback.

Important Dates

Make sure to submit your comments by the closing date of August 9, 2024. This deadline ensures that all feedback is considered in the project planning stages.

Spread the Word

Engaging with this project is a step towards a better-managed water supply for our community. Share this information with your friends, family, and neighbours to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in this important conversation.

Together, we can help shape the future of water management. Visit the Fens Reservoir website today and make your voice heard!

Parish Clerk
