WI Visit the New Community Centre Construction Site

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We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Women’s Institute (WI) Committee for visiting the construction site of the new Warboys Community Centre on Monday, 5th August. It was an honour to have you as our guests, and we appreciated the opportunity to show you the progress being made. 

Their visit was a significant moment for us, as it allowed us to share the tangible steps we’re taking to bring this important project to life. We hope that they found it rewarding to see the building beginning to take shape. 

We are especially grateful for their generous donation towards the centre. Their support is crucial to this project’s success, and we truly couldn’t do it without them. Their commitment to our community is deeply appreciated, and it strengthens our efforts to create a space that will serve as a hub for local activities and events. 

Thank you again for your visit and for your vital contribution. We look forward to the day when we can welcome you back to see the completed Warboys Community Centre. 

Contact Information

Email – clerk@warboysparishcouncil.co.uk

Facebook – @WarboysParishCouncil

Telephone – 07985 771834 / 07985 771676

Parish Clerk
